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Sophos Developing Client Firewall for the Enterprise

Many of today’s malware threats involve unauthorized connections, either remote attackers scanning for vulnerabilities to use as an entry point, or malware that has already been downloaded attempting to fetch more components, infect other machines, or sending confidential information: perhaps personal or banking details. Personal firewalls have been developed to address this problem, allowing the user control over what makes connections when.

However, in a corporate environment, local configuration and lack of features to prevent users changing settings make personal firewalls unmanageable.

To meet the needs of organisations to have central management of local connections, Sophos is using Agnitum's award-winning Outpost Pro technology as a technology base to engineer an industrial-strength solution for future integration into Sophos's suite of products designed specifically for networked environments. A free technical preview of the product will be made available.

"Sophos is committed to providing a best-of-breed integrated security suite for its customers, which is why we've chosen to acquire award-winning firewall technology," said Jan Hruska, chief executive officer, Sophos.