
First published: 31st January 2018
The Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS) has announced that it is consolidating its seven Special Interest Groups, including the Information Security Special Interest Group (ISSIG) into four Specialist Groups, with the Cyber Security Specialist Group (CSSG) replacing the ISSIG.
The group will be headed by Mr. Ricky Woo of the Bank of China (Hong Kong). It will be a platform for HKCS members to collaborate, discuss and share experiences on the topic of cyber security. It will keep abreast with and focus on enabling and evolving technologies of cyber security and it will be a catalyst for innovation through thought leadership. It will cultivate leadership and technical competencies for members within the cybersecurity field and act as a professional body in representing Cyber Security participants to the community, including media. It will assist member's career growth by providing professional development events, career path information, mentoring and coaching services, and networking opportunities.