
First published: 15th September 1998
Time is running out ..... According to a shocking survey done by the Hong Kong Productivity Council, more than 80% of companies in Hong Kong is still unprepared for the Y2K and even most companies that have begun their process, they have only started with Main Frames. Leaving a horrendous big gap for PC users to catch up before it's too late!Data Security Specialist Company: Yui Kee Computing introduces Eurosoft's fix2000 to PC Users in Hong Kong. It is a simple efficient Test & Fix solution to ensure the PC is Y2K Compliant. fix2000 is evaluated and used by: IBM Labs, UK Houses of Parliament, Queensland Government... It tests across all PC platforms (including Win95/98/3.x/NT, DOS, Unix, Novell. Installation is kept simple in standalone as well as in network, it gives immediate results. It comes with 14 hardware tests including CMOS, BIOS operating system and leap-year. fix2000 is the only Y2K compliant product available in ISA Card or software option, ideal for large corporates to home users.
The sole distributor of fix2000 in the region will be giving out a FREE fix2000 lite version to any visitors to their B25 booth in the Asian IT Expo'98 (16-19/09/98 HKCEC)
This version in the form of DOS TSR can test PC BIOS and CMOS for Year 2000 compatibility. The tests it performs include Real Time Clock tick, back-up battery status, leap year operation, and CMOS/RTC Active Support. Many PC's will fail at least one of these tests, even ones with "year 2000 compliant" motherboards. The lite version has also been sponsored to all delegates for this year's Hong Kong International Computer Conference (16-17/09/98) organised by the Hong Kong Computer Society.
The full fix2000 package performs these and additional tests, it can test any number of PCs and install the fix on one machine. fix2000 is available as software, an ISA card and a ROM for installation on network cards.
fix2000 is developed by Eurosoft (UK) Ltd. It established in 1980 and based in Bournemouth, England, Eurosoft has a known track record of focusing on expertise diagnostic / testing and system software products that ensure successful hardware operation from all makes of PC/AT-style computers. It is also a long time specialist in the development of Basic Input Output Systems (BIOS). The products locate hardware faults beyond user operating systems.